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Hell must have froze over, because I'm blogging...

It's a funny thing how we change over the course of our careers. While I still believe I am relatively young, an argument that gets weaker every year, my resistance to social media in general and blogs in particular leaves me in a constant state of awareness that I am quickly becoming my grandfather. It isn't that I don't believe that blogs provide an excellent platform to share views and offer thoughts about any variety of topics. My issue is that so few people have anything worth saying.

One source that I reviewed while I considered entering the blog-sphere indicated that the world is approaching 1/2 a Billion (with a B) blogs. That puts us at about 1 for every 15 people on the planet!!! If that is the case, then I could probably be of more value to society by figuring out a way to get people to stop blogging, not joining the fray, but here I am.

So why am I doing it? Simple. They told me so. Yep everyone - (not sure who everyone is, shoot even my mom won't read this, so why would anybody else?) - THEY have spoken, the anonymous group that we depend on to guide our life's decisions have convinced me that in order to expand my career opportunities and demonstrate that I have the skills to reach my own aspirations and goals, I need to establish myself as somebody that has something worth value to say.

I suspect that by flipping the clasps on my skull cap and letting the professional world get a glimpse inside what goes on in my head, I will quickly put myself out of business as a management consultant, and take a giant leap backwards, but shit happens.

If I don't think the world cares about my blog, and I"m pretty sure any audience that does find there way here will think less of me at the conclusion of whatever post they come across, then again why am I doing this? Forget about "They", at the end of the day I'm doing this because I have no shortage of opinions, I am entirely too open about my thoughts when I do get going, and I am a narcissist who drinks his own Kool-Aid.

If you do find your way to one of my posts, assuming I get around to Post #2 - well then we'll see what happens. My sentence structure is pretty much non-existent - despite what my Business Writing class taught me, I often use way too many words and tend to give the impression that I am writing to convince myself how smart I am, not to inform the reader of what they really need to know - and within the last few years I've developed some really strange habits of throwing --- and .... in the middle of sentences. Then their is of course my tendency to make very strong statements about a topic or situation, only to go about my day and then wonder why everybody is so upset the next time I see them - Friday afternoon emails are the WORST!!!!!! Makes for some very unpleasant Monday meetings, especially if I don't remember why I was so worked up the previous week.

Here we go - let's see if the next post has something besides my typical rambling stream of consciousness to offer.

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